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Cost and Features Involved to Build Medicine Delivery App

Did you know that the worldwide healthcare industry will reach roughly $109.25 billion in 2025? According to research, this market was worth approximately $45.65 billion in 2018 and is expected to be worth nearly $109.25 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of approximately 14.26 percent between 2019 and 2025. Every individual takes medicines at some time in their life. And standing in those long queues to obtain medicines might be inconvenient, especially for people who are ill.

Cost and Features Involved to Build Medicine Delivery App

Furthermore, most of the time, individuals have the issue of not being able to locate their prescribed medicine at a store. But thankfully, Healthcare Application Development is the ideal solution to this problem. Not only is it beneficial for consumers, but it is also helpful for pharmacies. Applications for medicine delivery have exploded in popularity during this epidemic and have proven to be a lifesaver for many. Therefore, if you’re curious about how to build a medicine delivery app and how much it costs, keep reading till the end.

Why Should You Invest in a Medicine Delivery App?

Everyone recognizes that the pharmaceutical business is critical to the human race’s existence. This assertion becomes even more relevant with the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020. This pandemic condition has caused individuals to isolate themselves and shun social gatherings to prevent the virus from spreading. And for which people struggle to meet their daily food, shopping, and medical needs. Under such circumstances, medicine delivery applications are one of the most life-saving options available today.

According to business experts, demand for React Native Application Development has increased dramatically over the previous several years. According to, during COVID-19, Google searches for health-related terms increased by around 300%.

Presently, everybody owns a smartphone, and developing an application that allows users to browse among available medications and have them transported to their homes and offices may be the most compelling selling point for a corporation. That is why now is an excellent opportunity to invest in these sorts of healthcare delivery solutions.

There is plenty of opportunity for success in this medical industry, but if you are not careful while building the app for your healthcare business, consumers may ultimately end up choosing your competitor’s application and therefore defeat you in the marketplace.

Benefits Of Medicine Delivery Applications

Applications for medicine delivery help both consumers and pharmacists. A feature-rich application developed by an android application development company may increase the efficiency of the delivery system and make order administration simple. The following are some justifications for the above statement:

  1. Benefits for Pharmacists
  • This is the most effective strategy for growing pharmaceutical sales. That’s why building these applications is so important for pharmacists.
  • Using medicine delivery applications, pharmacists do not have to maintain an inventory record for each order they fill. As the application is effective in providing pharmacists with timely updates, so they can replenish it before the supply runs out.
  • The applications enable pharmacists to access clients who are now out of reach. Due to geographical limitations, many consumers must travel a greater distance to obtain necessary medications. However, with the assistance of these applications, businesses may also meet the demands of those consumers. As a result, the business’s client base grows.
  • The application has a function that analyses the monthly requirements of regular clients. It will serve as a reminder to have such medications on hand and accessible. Thus, the apps developed by the iOS application development company enhance the effectiveness of the distribution process and deliver superior customer service.
  • To attract new consumers, pharmacists could provide higher discounts and promotions on the overall cost of the order. Furthermore, these applications can be used to implement a reward or incentive system for recurring customers. As a result, when customers purchase something, they earn reward points that they may use for higher discounts on their next transaction.
  1. Benefits for Users
  • As a consumer, you will save both effort and time by utilizing these applications. If you visit a pharmacy, you have to endure the inconvenience of waiting in a queue for hours to purchase. Moreover, if you do not get all of the medications on your needed list, you may be required to visit many stores to obtain the medicines you need. However, by utilizing online pharmacy application development scrutinizing one could order all of those medications from the comfort of their own house.
  • These apps are not limited to, providing medications to their users; they may also provide medical aid in times of need. The on-call doctors will provide help via the video call feature included in the app.
  • If you approach your neighborhood pharmacy, you can pay for your medicine with cash or a credit card. However, in the case of medicine delivery applications, customers are provided with a variety of payment methods, including UPI, card payments, online banking, and more, in addition to COD. Also, you may qualify for cashback when you use certain online payment options.

Top Medicine Delivery Applications In The Market

  1. Capsule Pharmacy

It is literally a cocoon comprising a significant quantity of medications and a large number of pharmacists. The company functions similar to a courier service, with pharmacists preparing your requested order.

Currently, it is one of the largest medical centers in New York’s west 25th ward. The operations of this mobile application development firm are likely to be expanded to Staten Island shortly.

The application is capable of informing customers about the dosage and timing of medications. Moreover, you can customize the date, time, and address of your purchaser. Likewise, you may choose the expedited service, which guarantees delivery of the medication within two hours of placing the purchase.

  1. NowRX

It is one of the most advanced artificial intelligence and robotics-enabled healthcare applications available on the market which can offer its customers services such as same-day delivery and much more.

The management system used in the application is called QucikFill, which enables the firm to provide same-day delivery to its customers and enables the customers to communicate with over 1.5 million physicians in the country, resulting in hyper-efficient business workflows.

  1. CVS

CVS is an American company that was recently acquired by the CVS Healthcare Corporation. The firm began operations in 1996 and in 2016, it had grown to become one of the largest drugstore franchises in the USA. In 2017, the firm was rated seventh among the largest organizations in the United States.

CVS does not just offer prescribed medications to its customers; they also provide cosmetic items and general merchandise. Also, they supply seasonal items such as gift cards and pre-packaged meals to their customers. The firm has a huge chain of shops that provide over 1,100 medical services to clients.

  1. NetMeds

NetMeds is among the most user-friendly applications. As the app is simple to download, it could be used to order medications from any location and at any time that is convenient for consumers. You can submit prescriptions, and the application’s AI will analyze them and propose the appropriate medication for you.

You only need to select the amount and add it to your virtual basket before purchasing. The procedure is extremely simple, quick, and intuitive, which is the primary selling point of the NetMeds application.

Also, this application provides features such as an on-call physician consultant and the ability to arrange test laboratories. Users may monitor their orders, refer them to others, and rate and review the medications.

  1. PillPack

This is owned and run by one of the world’s largest eCommerce companies, Amazon. It offers medications to consumers without a delivery charge. To optimize the effectiveness of the shipment process for this application, the business owners devised a robot-assisted packaging method.

Must-Have Features In A Medicine Delivery Application

There are several approaches to create a medicine delivery application. Typically, a medicine delivery application will have the following modules:

  • App for Customers
  • App for Pharmacies.
  • Admin Panel

We’ve compiled a list of the must-have features for each of the panels described above.

  1. Features for Customers
  • Registration: Users should be able to create an account from within your applications. This feature may be implemented in a variety of ways, the most effective of which is to incorporate social login to expedite the login and registration processes.
  • Management of profiles: After successfully creating a new user profile, consumers should be able to enter personal details such as their name, card information, and shipping address. Also, profile administration should have a ‘forgot password’ option.
  • Include prescriptions: Users should be allowed to upload prescriptions for professional verification. This functionality should enable users to upload prescriptions in a variety of formats, including photos from the phone’s gallery, PDFs, and others.
  • Search for medicine: The primary reason customers utilize prescription delivery applications is to locate specific medications. Thus, offering a strong medicine search is a must-have, as it will assist consumers in quickly locating the items they want inside your app. You should allow users to apply more filters and restrict the search to certain categories, brands, or comparable medications.
  • Payment Options: Every year, digital payment usage increases, and the pharmaceutical sector will be no exception. As a result, you must enable consumers to pay for their purchases without exiting your app. Ensure that you offer a variety of payment methods so that customers have a choice.
  • Ratings and comments: Customers should be able to report issues and offer feedback on the items and services they offer. As a result, you must include a function that enables users to offer customer feedback. By ensuring a seamless purchasing experience, you can transform social proof into a very effective tool for customer attraction and retention.
  • Notification: This functionality may be implemented in a variety of ways. You may use this function to inform consumers about new medications, future discounts, and special deals, or you can take it a step further and notify them about the need to refill the supply of medications they use regularly to treat certain chronic conditions.
  • Order monitoring: This function will prove to be life-saving for busy individuals. Allow consumers to monitor their purchases on a map to determine when their order will arrive.
  • Fast re-ordering: This is a convenient function that saves time for your customers. Users may schedule automatic medication refills every week, month, or year. The scheduled delivery function is critical for those who suffer from chronic illnesses.
  1. Features for Pharmacies
  • Register/Login: If you choose to develop an online medicine delivery application that will allow third-party vendors to sell their medicines, you cannot do without this functionality. Vendors should be able to register an account and submit basic information about themselves.
  • Management of Accounts: Vendors must be able to enter their company information and update it as needed after creating an account.
  • Management of Orders: This functionality should assist pharmacies in processing and managing orders, returning items, controlling refunds, and verifying prescriptions.
  • Digital Prescriptions: Pharmacies should have access to and control over prescription files.
  • Payments: This is a necessary function since a pharmacist should be able to accept direct payment through the application, obtain information about all ongoing payments, and manage their flow.
  • Order History: Provides pharmacy employees with previous order information.
  • Analytics: This functionality should enable pharmacists to gain insight into sales and payments. Pharmacy professionals should be able to access data on selling goods, identify bestsellers, detect increases in demand for a certain medication, and obtain other important business insights.
  • Discounts: A strong discount scheme can assist pharmacies in increasing their sales. You may either design a system that includes pre-defined criteria for discounts or allow pharmacy professionals to establish their own.
  1. Features for Admin
  • Dashboard: A comprehensive dashboard for managing orders, delivery, customers, and third-party providers.
  • Analytics: Real-time analytics give visibility to the admin about order statuses, canceled orders, refunds, and payment.
  • Order Monitoring: Admins should have access to all client orders placed by all registered pharmacists.
  • Customer Service: Administrators should have the ability to contact consumers for clarification so that consumers are not left alone with any concerns or problems.

Technology Stack for Medicine Delivery Application

Medicine Delivery applications are composed of several components and should have a sophisticated back-end design. A well-chosen technology stack ensures a seamless development process for these apps.

Front-end: This is the client-side of the application. This section contains visible items with which users interact.

iOSAndroidLanguageSwiftJava or KotlinIDEXcodeAndroid StudioSDKCocoa TouchAndroid SDK</ td>

Back-end: This is a server-side component of a project that correlates to all background operations.

LanguagesPython, Node.js, RubyWeb FrameworkFlutterDatabaseMangoDB, MySQLWeb ServerApache</ td>

Application Programming Interface (API): This protocol specifies how an application’s front-end communicates with its back-end. Additionally, APIs are utilized to rapidly link an application with third-party resources.

Payment GatewaysPayPal, Stripe, GooglePayAnalyticsGoogle Analytics ToolEmailTwilio, MailChimpStorageCloud Storage, On-Premise</ td>

The Cost of Developing a Medicine Delivery App

The cost of medicine delivery apps is determined by a variety of factors, including the type of healthcare software development firm with whom you collaborate. The following are some of the elements that influence the cost of developing medical delivery apps.

  1. The platform for development: A company owner can develop an application for medication delivery on two different platforms, namely Android and iOS. Generally, the investment required to build an Android application is less than that required to create an iOS version.
  1. Geolocation: The region of the development is also significant, as developers in Europe and North America demand a premium for developing an application. Contracting development to developers in India may be the greatest choice for start-up firms in this situation.
  1. Timeline of Development: Developers bill businesses based on the number of hours required to develop an app. The more complicated the requested application is, the longer the project duration will be and, ultimately, the higher the cost will be.
  1. Features: Basic functionality can be implemented at a lower development cost. However, adding high-end functionality to your apps may incur additional costs.
  1. Integration of a Third Party: Third-party integration enables you to create a feature-rich application at a lower development cost.
  1. Calculation of Costs: If you examine all of the fundamental development elements and create your app through outsourcing, it might cost you close to $20,000. However, if you utilize all of the unique features and wish to give your customers top-grade services, developing such an app might cost between $30,000 and $40,000.


There is no questioning that applications for medication delivery are a benefit to the healthcare business. This effort enables consumers and physicians to interact quickly and obtain real healthcare advice without having to wait long hours. Physicians are capable of treating their patients effectively, and patients get cured more quickly. Most significantly, these platforms improve people’s quality of life. We hope this blog cleared all your doubts regarding the features and cost of developing a medicine delivery application.

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