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9 Web Application Testing Tools for All Your Testing Needs

Do you have the right tool to test your web application? Having the right resources makes an ocean of difference to your application’s performance and adaptability. And with so many types of tests like regression and functional, it is even more important to use the right tool. Here is a list of the best web application testing tools for each type of testing.

9 Web Application Testing Tools for All Your Testing Needs

3 Best Tools for Functional Testing

Functional testing is a must for your web app. It tests whether your app is working as the initial requirement deviating from it. The test also checks how the app functions in different environments or devices/browsers/operating systems. Try these functional testing tools for this purpose. 


If you have developed a web app for multiple browsers then use Selenium. It automates the browser testing. And since it’s open-source, the tool is a top choice for QA testers and developers.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Works across browsers & codes in Java, Ruby, etc
  • Integrates with JUnit, and TestNG for smoother testing
  • Executes test faster
  • Records test logs for future analysis


Appium is the fastest way to test your web and mobile app without writing multiple test cases. Anyone can use this tool since it's an open-source framework. Its multi-language support makes it even the best tool for developers with different skills and experience in programming languages. 

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Less source code modification
  • Allows testing on real devices
  • Supports testing frameworks like JUnit
  • Large and active community support


SmartBear Software developed a complete package for web app testing. It has different modules and platforms for testing the functionality of applications on desktop, mobile, and web. 

When deciding on a TestComplete license, you have the option to choose between a node-locked license or a floating user license. Node is a bit costly whereas floating is good for testing high-value web apps. Both offer annual support and maintenance. 

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Allows scripted and scriptless testing
  • Supports tests written in JavaScript, Python, VBScript)
  • Seamless integration with CI/CD tools

Let you compare the real and expected test results with the automatic screenshot feature. 

Also Read: Best API Testing Tools with Features and Pricing Plans

Top 3 Tools for Testing Your Web App’s Performance

App downtime is one of the major reasons why users leave your application. And it happens when your web app fails to perform under stress. 

Performance testing is thus important to prevent downtime and ensure your app remains stable and performs well even with a heavy workload. It identifies areas that cause issues and makes your app unstable. 

These three best web app testing tools let you check the performance under different scenarios. 


The popular tool in the field of web app testing, LoadRunner, is known for its accuracy and speed. It is better than other tools like Apache JMeter because of its capability to detect threats in even large-scale applications. 

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Creates flexible testing scenarios without many resources
  • Supports over 50 application environments
  • Simplifies load testing with intuitive recording and replay


Apache JMeter is a versatile web application testing tool. It has a simple GUI making it easier to outline, execute, and view test reports for different use cases. Its command-line interface makes the execution simple and fast. 

Key Features and Benefits:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Supports protocols such as HTTP, JDBC, and SOAP 
  • Extensible with plugins


Gatling tests how your web app will perform at times of high traffic. This free and open-source tool goes beyond load testing. It checks your web app’s performance on various metrics like response times. 

It is good for stress testing web apps, APIs, and those little building block services called microservices. 

Key Features and Benefits:

  • High-performance engine
  • Detailed and customizable reports
  • Integration with CI/CD tools

Also Read: A Guide to Setting up a CI/CD Workflow with Testing 

AI Testing Tools for Regression Testing 

Re-testing your web app development after making changes in code or modifying the functionality is a good practice. This ensures your web app is 100% bug-free and works the way you want it. 

Besides new applications, regression testing is also important to check the reliability and stability of existing apps. Since you need to release the web apps faster after quick modification, using AI regression testing tools is the best thing.  


LambdaTest is truly a next-generation web app testing tool as it says. Reason? It works on artificial intelligence and gives you a detailed view of all the test results and execution. 

What’s more? LambdaTest improves user experience by supporting more than 3000 browsers and the latest mobile operating systems. This means, your web app will work perfectly smoothly without any device or browser limitations. 

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Live-interactive browser and device testing
  • Visual regression testing to compare or detect any deviations in your web app with screenshots
  • Supports other testing frameworks such as Selenium, Playwright, and Cypress
  • Streamlines code review process with status updates on the GitHub dashboard


This AI tool will save you time on testing. Simply, instruct the tool in English explaining what you want it to do, and the tool will execute the instructions in seconds. Giving commands to testRigor is as easy as writing in natural language as it works on generative AI. 

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Retests the web app in just 15 minutes
  • Provides more than 90% test coverage in a year
  • Importing the manual test cases is as simple as copy-paste
  • Reduces test maintenance time and effort


HeadSpin is one of the best AI testing tools to quickly release your web app after fixing the bugs. Most of its users have released their apps 75% faster in the market. All the credit goes to its regression intelligence capabilities. 

You can check how the app’s user interface will perform on real devices and in multiple locations. By integrating HeadSpin with your existing CI/CD pipeline, you don’t have to worry about degradation issues. The process is completely automatic. 

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Good for testing enterprise-grade web applications deployed on multiple locations and hosted on the cloud
  • Enhances app security by testing the issues on real devices and different device/OS combinations
  • Gives quick alerts if anything goes wrong during the regression testing

IBM DevOps Test UI

Though not AI, this regression testing tool by IBM is also the most used tool by testers and developers. DevOps Test UI automates both functional and regression testing for web apps. 

You can also do visual and data-driven testing using this tool. Besides web apps, it also helps in testing apps built on Java, .Net, SAP, and more. Both tech and non-tech users can use this tool. 

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Edit, view, and modify the test process and results with the storyboard testing feature
  • Let’s perform the same test actions with different data and inputs 
  • Supports multiple testers to work on the same platform

Which is the Best Web App Testing Tool?

We understand that too many options overwhelm leading to the wrong choice. For the best testing tool for your web app, you must first evaluate and prioritize your needs. 

If only performance testing is crucial for your app, go with LoadRunner or JMeter. But if you need a tool for everything, pick Katalon Studio or TestComplete. These are the best and cover all your testing needs.

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