Transforming the National Commercial Tax System

Know Our Client 

Our client is the Ministry of Finance of Middle East Country. They play a central role in revenue collection and enforcement of tax regulations to support the country's fiscal policies and economic development.



Business Type

Public Administration

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A Need for Change 

The client faced several challenges with its manual tax filing and processing system. These included significant time wasted on processing tax filings, high administrative costs, compliance issues due to difficulty in verifying records, disorganized records risking data loss, and difficulties in maintaining detailed logs for audits. Tracking taxable goods within the country was also problematic.

Softude’s Role

Softude transformed the client's tax system by automating the filing and collection process in nine months. Our solution is integrated with electronic payment gateways to ensure secure and verified transactions. Additionally, integrating GS1 standards linked the tax system with warehouses and designated zones for efficient product information exchange. Over four years, we have continued to provide support and maintenance to ensure smooth and reliable operations.


Reduction in processing time


Decrease in administrative costs



Benefits in a Nutshell


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Working with Softude has been a great experience. Their team was incredibly responsive and understood our needs right away. They made a significant impact on our operations, and their support has been invaluable.

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